To her delight, however, Ren arrives and jealously competes for her affections when he learns she’s been dating.

In Tiger’s Curse, Kelsey spurned Ren, and now she has decided to return to the United States after her internship in India. Kelsey is in love with Ren, the romantic and poetic white tiger brother, but has great fondness and confused emotions for Kishan, the black tiger brother, who makes clear his passionate desires for her. The handsome young men are princes under an ancient spell that causes them to spend more than half their days as tigers. Those fantasies are reality for Kelsey Hayes, an eighteen-year-old American college student, who in an earlier book in Colleen Houck’s Tiger series, became involved with a pair of unusual brothers. Not to mention I must say Ren is a pleasure to "listen to".Young women yearn for romance, for prince charming, and sometimes for more than one suitor. She does a good job of conveying her emotions and confusion.

The narration is good, in my mind Annika Boras comes alive as Kelsey and is quite convincing. This story makes a great audio experience, though. The development of their friendship/relationship is a fun ride.

In this installment, we have the brief satisfaction of a reunion, then trouble arises, characters are separated again, and we find Kelsey off on a quest/adventure with Kishan. The author shows definite potential and artistry in some scenes, while others may make you go "really?" and shake your head, feeling like you are being asked to suspend-disbelief, but not in the positive, fictional sense, but only in the sense of "no one would ever really do that".for the main character's response, or more accurately lack of response, in some situations.

The actual writing itself is up and down with it's stronger scenes and then weaker points, unfortunately not consistent throughout. The overall storyline and the characters are the strong aspects that keep me (you) with this story. My fondness for this story could be compared with the unconditional love you have for that very important or special person in your life - because you take them flaws included.